Echo Dot 3rd Gen Review

Echo Dot 3rd Gen Review

When you go home after a long day, you need to get something to eat, you want to catch up on the news, hear some music to help relax you and turn on the heat or air depending on what your weather is like. You’ll make a ton of little decisions all in the space of fifteen minutes or less. What you need is an assistant that can help make your day winding down effortless…

Ultraloq UL3 BT Review

Ultraloq UL3 BT Review

Security is extremely important for many people today. Cheap locks simply don’t cut it anymore, given that lockpicking is easy for a thief to do. It can also just be inconvenient to fumble around with your keys trying to open your door, especially if you’re holding things like groceries in your arms. By getting yourself a high quality smart lock like those from Ultraloq, you’ll be able to make your house more secure and add…

Kwikset Smartcode 888 Review

Kwikset Smartcode 888 Review

As technology advances, people are trying to use it in as many useful ways as possible. One of the greatest modern concerns is security, especially that of physical property like the things you own at home. Kwikset has developed a lock that uses smart technology in order to provide a great deal of safety as well as convenience. This lock has plenty of features that will help you keep your house safe and secure. The…

Yale YRD226-ZW2-619 Z-Wave Plus Review

Yale YRD226-ZW2-619 Z-Wave Plus Review

Many people are curious about smart technology, but are afraid of diving right into it. This is especially true when it comes to home security. Those who still have their doubts about smart devices are hesitant to go all in on a device that holds the last real barrier between them and the outside world – the only thing keeping criminals from stealing their possessions. For those who want just a taste of the smart…

Schlage Z-wave Connect Camelot Touchscreen Deadbolt Review

Schlage Z-wave Connect Camelot Touchscreen Deadbolt Review

Keeping a good, solid lock on your door is extremely important if you want to protect your valuables. However, with added security, you’re usually sacrificing convenience and user-friendliness. These locks often have big keys that are unwieldy. With the new Schlage touchscreen smart lock, those problems disappear, because it combines high-level security with a variety of modern features for convenience. The main way this lock advertises that it can be opened is through the keypad….

August Smart Lock Pro ASL-03 AC-R1 Review

August Smart Lock Pro ASL-03 AC-R1 Review

Security is extremely important as a homeowner. You need to protect your property from thieves, who are always looking for new ways to bypass locks in order to steal your valuables or harm your family. In order to give yourself an extra layer of security, you should look into getting a smart lock. For a premium quality smart lock, the August Smart Lock Pro ASL-03 AC-R1 is a great option due to its variety of…

Bio Bidet Ultimate BB-600 Review

Bio Bidet Ultimate BB-600 Review

When you have a regular toilet seat, it not only results in you spending more money on hygiene, but it also contributes to your discomfort and exposure to more germs and bacteria. Using a regular toilet seat means that you spend a lot of money on toilet paper. You can wipe repeatedly and never truly get or feel clean. But all that extra tissue causes problems. Toilet paper clogs are one of the leading causes…

Smart Vanity Bathroom Mirror Review

Smart Vanity Bathroom Mirror Review

If you’re like most people, you get ready for your day in front of the bathroom mirror- putting on makeup, fixing your hair – or, if you’re a man, you might shave first thing. You also wind down your day in the bathroom taking a bath or shower, brushing your teeth, putting on lotion and doing other beauty and skincare habits. When there’s not enough light for your bathroom vanity, you can end up poking…

Derpras Luxury Shower System Review

Derpras Luxury Shower System Review

Taking a shower should be simple, easy and convenient for you. But you can run into problems where the water temperature doesn’t meet your expectations and some styles of showerheads don’t let the water spray evenly or without enough of a gentle force. And if you have a fixed showerhead, you have to angle your body as you shower, which can lead to contorting, slipping and splashing water in places you don’t want it to…