Top Consoles and Handheld Gaming Systems of 2022

It’s that time of year again when everyone is trying to figure out which gaming system they should buy for themselves or a loved one. With so many different gaming systems on the market, it can be hard to decide which one is the best for this blog post. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Sony PlayStation 5

The first gaming system on our list is the Sony PlayStation 5. This video game console was released in late 2021 and quickly became one of the most popular gaming systems on the market.

Sony’s PS5 solid-state drive has a base transfer speed of five gigs per second, which means games will load an impressive 100 times faster than ps4. The PS5 also has an 825 gigabyte Drive. Sony claims to arrive at this number by collecting data on the top 100 most played ps4 games. They believe that 825 gigs are enough for players as installing and uninstalling games is much easier.

If the storage is insufficient, PS5 will enable you to add more. Sony specifies which drives you to need to use for the consoles. Only certain SSDs will be compatible, and you have to use m2 drives with PCIe 4.0 supports. Sony did not just slap an existing graphics card onto the console; it partnered with AMD. and used cutting-edge technology. The PS 5 uses a custom AMD RDNA to GPU.

With the PS5, Sony and AMD took backward compatibility very seriously. The PS5 also runs quietly, unlike the PS4.

As the console heats up, it is designed to consume the same amount of power at all times, preventing fans from spinning up and causing a racket.

In terms of sound, the PS5 also delivers enhanced 3d audio with tech that can simulate hundreds of sound sources. The idea is that if you hear a sound while playing a game, you should identify exactly what’s causing the noise.

Microsoft Xbox One – Xbox Series X

The second system on our list is the Microsoft Xbox One – Series X. This system was released in early 2022 and quickly became one of the most popular gaming systems on the market and is considered the best addition to the Xbox series. The Series X is a robust system that can handle any game you throw at it. It also has a slew of features that make it an excellent choice for any gamer.

Microsoft Xbox One X of the X series is a superfast console that so not take long to load. It comes with a new feature called quick resume. This feature allows you to suspend three games at once, and you can quickly load back in. Although there is already a pause feature in the Xbox One, you can pause, go to the menu or the store, and return to your game. In One X, this feature allows you to have three games loaded at once. You can instantly pop in between the three without experiencing a lag time, which is impressive.

The Xbox One X has eight-core processors, twelve teraflop GPU, and an in-built one terabyte SSD. They partner with Seagate so that you can plug in another SSD right in the back, just like an old-school memory card. The SSD can add another terabyte of memory to the console.

The console allows 4k 60fps gaming, and Microsoft even said they are working with some of the 8k TV manufacturers for it to be 8K compatible. Unfortunately, most gamers do not even have 8k monitors, so Xbox One X is like two or three generations ahead to monitor compatibility.

The Xbox One X has a share button in the middle of its controller, and a few adjustments were made to the d-pad and the triggers. However, the new controller is compatible with series X and Xbox One consoles. Also, the Xbox One controller is compatible with this console.

Both the PS5 and the Xbox Series X offer cloud gaming.

Cloud gaming

Cloud gaming is the newest way to game and was first introduced in early 2022. With internet connectivity and cloud gaming, you don’t need a console or a powerful computer to play the latest and greatest games. All you need is an Internet connection and a compatible device.

With cloud gaming, games are stored on remote servers and streamed to your device over the Internet. This means you can play the latest games on any compatible device, regardless of their specs. In addition, all the processing is done on the servers, so your device doesn’t need to be powerful enough to run the game.

Cloud gaming is still in its early stages, but it’s already become quite popular. There are a few different cloud gaming services to choose from, and more are sure to come in the future.

If you’re looking for a new way to play the game, cloud gaming is worth checking out. It’s a great way to play the latest games without worrying about your device’s specs.

This feature makes the two consoles the most fierce console wars in the console market.

New Nintendo 2DS XL

The Nintendo 2DS XL was released in early 2022 and became one of the market’s most popular handheld gaming systems. The New Nintendo DS XL is an update to the older model with a few new features.

The first thing you’ll notice about the New Nintendo DS XL is that it’s slightly larger than its predecessor. The XL designation stands for “extra large,” and it’s not just a marketing gimmick. The new system is about 15% larger than the original, making it more comfortable to hold for extended periods.

The New Nintendo DS XL also features a better processor and more RAM than the original model. This means that games will load faster and run smoother on the new system.

One of the most exciting features of the New Nintendo DS XL is its built-in amiibo support. Amiibo is NFC (Near Field Communication) figure that can be used with certain games to unlock unique content. For example, you can use an amiibo figure to unlock a character in a game or get access to special items.

The New Nintendo DS XL is an excellent handheld gaming system that offers a significant advantage over the original model. If you’re looking for the best possible handheld gaming experience on a handheld system, the New Nintendo DS XL is the way to go. It is arguably the best of all handhelds.

Nintendo Switch Lite

The original Nintendo Switch system was released in early 2017 and quickly became one of the most popular gaming systems on the market. The Switch is a unique system that can be used as a home console and a handheld device. It’s also one of the most affordable gaming systems on the market, making it an excellent choice for any gamer.

The Nintendo Switch Light brings the Switch console’s charm in a lighter and more compact form for handheld gamers. This new console is dedicated to manual gaming, meaning you can play your favorite games anytime and anywhere. It is a smaller version of the Nintendo Switch console with almost all its big brother features. It has a local wireless multiplayer feature and the ability to play online with a larger and more durable battery.

The switch lite is the perfect console for gamers on the go. The screen resolution is 720p and supports all games that can be played in handheld mode. You can play everything from super smash brothers ultimate to super Mario odyssey on the new Nintendo Switch Lite console.

The device is approximately 91.1 millimeters by 13.9 millimeters by 208 millimeters in size and weighs about 9.7 ounces. It is slightly smaller than the original and has a smaller five-and-a-half-inch screen.

It has 267 PPI (pixels per inch) and comes with integrated controls. You can connect four more joy-cons to it wirelessly, but they are not included in the box and need to be purchased separately. The widget does not come with buttons, but they have been replaced with a d-pad or plus control pad to achieve the most natural control.

Nintendo Switch Lite has almost the same performance as the original switch, except that it has a more powerful battery that lasts three to seven hours. As a result, the battery capacity is half an hour longer than its predecessor. For other features, the device has a built-in accelerometer, gyroscope, and light sensor.

Sony PlayStation Vita

The Sony PlayStation Vita is a handheld gaming system released in early 2012. The Vita features a large, high-resolution screen and dual analog. The Vita is a powerful handheld device that can handle any game you throw at it. It also has a slew of features that make it an excellent choice for any gamer.

One of the most unique features of the Vita is its built-in second touchpad. This allows you to interact with games in a way that is impossible on other handheld devices. The Vita also has a rear touchpad for certain gameplay elements.

The Vita also has built-in GPS and Wi-Fi that allows you to connect to the Internet and play online games. The Vita also has a large selection of accessories that will enable you to customize your gaming experience.

The PlayStation Vita is an excellent handheld gaming system that offers a significant upgrade over the original model. So if you’re looking for the best possible gaming experience on a handheld system, the PlayStation Vita is the way to go.

Nintendo Wii U

The Nintendo Wii U is a home gaming console released in late 2012. The Wii U is the successor to the popular Wii system and features a variety of improvements over its predecessor. For example, the Wii U features a larger, high-definition screen and a new controller with a built-in touchscreen.

The Wii U also has several new features that make it an excellent choice for any gamer. The Wii U is backward compatible with all Wii games and accessories. The Wii U also has a built-in Miiverse community that allows you to connect with other gamers worldwide.

The Nintendo Wii U is an excellent choice for any gamer who wants the best possible gaming experience. The Wii U offers a significant upgrade over the original Wii system and is backward compatible with all Wii games and accessories.


GDP XD Plus is one of the best emulator handheld game consoles you can find on the market. It runs on Android, which means a lot of games are like on a mobile phone. In addition, you can use it as a very portable and easily collapsible touch screen of 5 inches, as well as 32 gigabytes of raw memory and 4 gigabytes of RAM.

GDP XD Plus comes with a dual-core A72 processor of 2.1 gigahertz and a quad-core A53, whose base frequency is 1.7 gigahertz.

In addition to playing video games, this console also supports watching videos, listening to music, and a Wi-Fi connection. The package includes a single lithium-ion battery that can offer up to 8 hours during continuous play on a single charge.

GDP XD Plus has memory storage of 32 gigabytes and comes in 3.5 by 6.2 by 0.95 inches. It weighs 10.5 ounces.

Aside from the console, the box includes one USB cable and one charger for five volt 2A. In addition, it comes with instructions for use, which explain in detail all the necessary steps to get started.

Also, the GDP XD Plus gaming console boasts a resolution of 1280 by 720 pixels. These specifications allow users to play fluidly without any chopping. Most users also like that the console heat is reduced to the bare minimum. So you can play for hours in comfort and convenience without the system overheating.

Additionally, the device boasts a solid construction with outstanding durability of buttons.

Everything You Need to Know About Video Capture Cards

The top 6 video capture cards you can buy today include the following:

Do you want to stream video footage but don’t know where to start? Do you need a better understanding of video capture cards before purchasing? If so, you’ve come to the right place! This blog post will discuss everything you need to know about video capture cards. We’ll go over what they are, how they work, and some of their benefits. By the time you finish reading this post, you’ll be an expert on video capture cards!

Video capture cards are very important across many industries. If you are not yet sure you need one, here are some ways it can help you:

  • Capture cards are used to produce quality video streaming.
  • For YouTubers or gamers, capture cards help with video branding and custom overlays for streaming; you will be well ahead of your rivals in content creation.
  • Capture cards help with streaming void of lagging. This gives the audience the best viewing experience.
  • They help with editing videos to help you manage whatever you upload online.
  • Video capture cards act as an external storage device.

How do video capture cards work?

Video capture cards work by capturing the video signal from another source and converting it into a digital format. This digital signal can then be stored on your computer or other storage devices. They are typically plugged into a computer via USB or Thunderbolt. Once plugged in, they will record any video played on the connected device. This includes gameplay footage, camera footage, movies, TV shows, etc.

What are the benefits of using a video capture card?

There are many benefits to using a video capture card. For starters, they allow you to record high-quality video footage. Additionally, they are easy to use and don’t require any special skills or knowledge. Lastly, they are relatively affordable, making them an excellent option for those on a budget.

Video capture cards for streaming

Video capture cards are essential for anyone who wants to record or stream video. They are a great way to record high-quality video footage. Most streamers use a capture card to take the video footage and sound from a DSLR camera and connect it to their computer to use as a web camera. The higher the quality of the card, the more likely the sound will synch with the video footage.

There are many benefits to using a video capture card. Some of these benefits include:

-You can record high-quality video footage.

-You can record multiple channels at once.

-You can schedule recordings in advance.

Do I need a video capture card to stream?

No, you don’t need a video capture card to stream. However, if you want to record high-quality video footage or multiple channels simultaneously, you’ll need a capture card.

Purchasing Considerations

There are several things to consider when purchasing a video capture card. The first is what type of input you need. Do you need an HDMI input, component input, or S-Video input? The second thing to consider is the quality of the recording. You’ll want to make sure the recording is clear and sharp. Lastly, think about how much storage space you’ll need. Video files can take up a lot of space, so you’ll want to make sure you have enough room on your computer equipment for anyone interested in streaming videos or capturing footage from another source.

What are the Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Video Capture card?

Before you invest in a video capture card, there are some factors you need to consider. However, they are all pointers towards making the best decision for your purchase.

They include the following:

Quality of Image

Video quality is one of the most important criteria for game streaming. A lot of consoles guarantee HD graphics, and you need a capture card that can display the quality of the footage.

Check the recording frames per second when deciding on video capture card image quality. Those with 1080p and HD features are decent. But, if you want the best quality image, choose ultra HD or 4k capture cards.

However, have it at the back of your mind that Ultra HD video cards are only compatible with high-end laptops and desktops.

Device Specifications

No matter what you want to make out of your video capture card, it all comes down to your level of expertise and technicalities.

Choosing a video card with many specifications might be pretty complicated if you are not tech-savvy. There is a lot of device syncing and data input to consider, and you may end up reading manuals after manuals to get a grasp.

If you are a tech pro, this is no issue at all. But rookies are better off with a capture card that can allow them to record and upload videos without complications.


Before investing in a video card, you must check its compatibility with the device you are syncing it with. Verify that your desktop or laptop meets the needed requirement, it works well with your consoles or PC and its storage is enough.

Although manufacturers provide many technical support and tutorials, this will only come in handy if you buy the perfect capture card for your hardware.


You need to consider the price tag of your capture card concerning your budget. Suppose you are a professional gamer whose life revolves around consoles, or you are a YouTuber with many subscribers. In that case, investing well in a quality capture card is non-negotiable. This will help you create quality content and gain more ROI.

Most decent budget capture cards can get the job done for gamers that play for fun. But do not forget that at the end of the day. You get what you pay for.

Elgato Game Capture HD60 S+

Elgato’s response to upgrading the HD60 S video capture card is the HD60 S+. But may find it difficult to differentiate between the two at first glance because of how identical they look. However, Elgato HD60 S+ comes with a significant advantage: the 4K60 pass-through.

Elgato HD60 S+ retains the stylish and elegant look of the previous version. In addition, it can capture both 1080p HDR and 4k at 60 fps and 30 fps, which allows you to monitor your video feed at the optimum graphical display, perfect for the latest consoles.

Elgato designed this HD60 S+ specifically for high-end consoles like the PlayStation 5 and X/S Xbox series. Notwithstanding, you can still use it for the PS4.

Elgato HD60 S+ setup is effortless regardless of the version of your console. First, you have to connect with your game via an HDMI cord, then run another connection to your laptop with a USB cord. Your console will be detected automatically by any streaming software you have.

For laptops compatible with Elgato HD60 S+, you need one with the Nvidia GTX GPU for windows. Again, it should be an intel i5 device and a 6th generation laptop with at least 4GB RAM. For Mac laptops, you can go for an AMD GPU and a 4th generation i5 device, but the RAM remains the same.

Other important features of Elgato HD60 S+ include the following:

  • Plug and play video capture card
  • 1080P60 HDR capture
  • 4K60 HDR 10 Pass-Through
  • Instant Game view
  • Unlimited capture
  • Flashback recording
  • Live commentary
  • USB 3.0 interface
  • Multi-device support
  • 60Mbps maximum bitrate


  • Users love it because it supports both PC and Mac laptops.
  • They also love that it works well for a wide range of consoles.
  • Its flashback recording and instant streaming feature make it a fans’ favorite.


  • A lot of users complain about the fact that it lacks an H.264 encoder.
  • There are a lot of online complaints due to its limited software abilities.

Razer Ripsaw HD

Razer Ripsaw HD is one of the best video devices for recent consoles. It has a 4K60 pass-through that elaborates video displays for Xbox Series X/5 and ensures seamless gameplay. It is also decent for PS4, PS5, and PCs.

Razer Ripsaw HD also allows you to perform many activities with your video. With the 1080p60 capture, you can stream live and edit the footage. It has USB type C and A ports to connect with PCs. There are also jacks for your gaming headset and microphones, which allow you to record game commentary with perfect audio mixing.

This video capture card’s desktops must be 6th generation and at least an intel core i3 with Nvidia 660 GTX GPU. They must be the fourth generation for PCs and have at least an Intel Core i7 and 870M Nvidia GTX GPU.

However, like every tech product, there are some downsides. For example, Razer Ripsaw HD will not allow HDR pass-through and capture. It would be best if you also had third-party streaming software like OBS because Razer Ripsaw HD is not equipped with one of its own.

Other Razer Ripsaw HD features include:

  • 1080p HD at 60 frames per seconds
  • 4K60 frame per seconds pass-through
  • USB 3.0 port
  • HDMI 2.0 port
  • 3.5mm Audio Cable


  • Product users love the microphone feature and audio mixing ability.
  • There are also reports that it is compatible with most streaming software.
  • It is cheaper than most video capture cards and is a good value.


  • Products users do not like that it does not have proprietary software.
  • It is not compatible with Mac laptops.

AverMedia Live Gamer Mini

The Live Gamer Mini is a perfect video capture card for gamers that are always on the road. It is very portable and will fit into many traveling cases. In addition, AverMedia Live Gamer Mini allows you to record your game footage without a PC. It has an H.264 encoder for this function.

This card captures games video at 1080p in 60 frames per second. It is perfect for Nintendo gamers because this is the limit for the game’s switch. In addition, it is compatible with a Micro USB and allows you to save videos on MicroSD cards. With these features, you can access your videos on PCs.

You can start your game live streaming career with this capture card. It comes with its software that you can easily connect with your PC to live stream. The software is easy to use, and you do not have to be an expert to set it up. AverMedia Live Gamer Mini also has editing options to separate the videos before saving them on your MicroSD card.

The video card comes with dual HDMI ports situated at the back, one of them allows 4k pass-through, but this is without an HDR display. The front has both headphones and microphone ports along with control buttons.

For desktops, AverMedia Live Gamer Mini is compatible with Core i5 devices. However, laptops for this capture card must be at least a core i7 device.

The most significant shortcoming with this device is that its branded software is only compatible with Windows devices. Although they try to make up for this with a beta version for Macs, you will still have to use other software.

Some of its features include:

  • USB micro interface
  • HDMI 2.0 video output
  • 1080p60 maximum capture and pass-through interface
  • Window and mac compatibility
  • REcentral software


  • Game players love this capture card because of its live-streaming option.
  • They also love the inbuilt H.624 encoder that allows recording without a PC.


  • The proprietary software is not compatible with Macs.

Elgato 4K60 Pro

Elgato 4K60 Pro is an internal video capture card and one of the latest. Elgato went all in for this capture card with its PCle x4 interface that offers better bandwidths than most similar devices. In addition, it is well equipped with a rapid USB 3.0 connection.

Elgato 4K60 Pro’s most outstanding feature is its video recording at 2160ps for 60 frames per second. It also allows 1080p60 and HDR10 recordings.

It is perfect for PC video captures. Although no particular expertise is required in slotting the card, dealing with the side panel might be quite demanding.

Elgato 4K60 Pro requires a high-end PC for compatibility. Some of its requirements include a series 10 Nvidia GPU and a 6th generation Ryzen or core i7. Unfortunately, one of its limitations is that it only works with Windows PCs.

Like the Elgato HD60S, it allows flashback footage and 4K60 pass-through for 1080p240 or 1440p.

Some of its features include the following:

  • 4K60pro MK2 capture card
  • An interface of PCI Express x4
  • 2160p60 resolution
  • One input and one output HDMI
  • Product weight of 0.23lb
  • It comes with an HDMI cable


  • Product users love this video capture card because it supports HDR recording and 4k pass-through at 60fps.
  • They also love the fact that it has multi-app support.


  • A lot of users complain that Elgato 4K60 Pro is too expensive.
  • There are a lot of online complaints because it is a Pcle-only card.
  • It is also a costly option, and there are cheaper products.
  • It is compatible with only high-end PC and is not perfect for gamers with a limited budget.

Aver Live Gamer Duo

You can only stream and record with one source with other video capture cards. This is because they only have one output and input. But Aver Live Gamer Duo has two sources. So you can record and stream with both sources, but you can also do so at 1080p 60fps.

It also gives room for you to be innovative. Gamers that are not satisfied with the webcam can connect a DSLR or camera to the other source for quality streaming. Aver Live Gamer Duo also supports HDR captures.

Since it is a PCle card, your PC must have a free spot for it. It allows 4K streaming at 60 frames per second, so regardless of the type of game you want to play, you can still enjoy its graphics quality. If you are more concerned about game frame rate than resolution, it allows a 1080p pass-through at either 240Hz or 1440p.

Aver Live Gamer Duo does not come with H.264 encoder hardware; this is why it is compatible with only high-end PCs. Aside from a PCle slot, other pc requirements it demands include a 6th generation Intel core five devices with either GTX 1050 or R7 560. The laptop must also have at least 8GB of RAM.

In terms of software, it comes with its RECentral proprietary software. However, it equally supports other streaming software like Xsplit and OBS studio. Aver Live Gamer Duo has an RGB illumination that allows the card to display color according to preference.

Some of its features include:

  • 2 HDMI inputs
  • 4k60 HDR pass-through
  • 240fps pass-through
  • RGB preset lightening


  • Gamers love that Aver Live Gamer Duo comes with a dual HDMI input.
  • They also love that it can record and stream in both sources at 60fps.
  • Product users claim this is the best video capture card for camera streaming.


  • There are a lot of complaints about its lack of 4k recording.
  • Aver Live Gamer Duo is too expensive for gamers with a small budget.

Hauppauge HD PVR 2

Hauppauge HD is one of the best game capture cards. It comes with SPDIF audio, and together with its incredible IR blaster, you can record seamless video footage without hassle.

It works well with desktops and laptops with either a 2.0 GHz multi-processor or a 3.0 GHz single processor. It uses an H.264 encoder to record videos with 1080i resolution. Its graphical quality makes it compatible with games like Xbox360 via an HDMI connection or PlayStations through component video.

Hauppauge HD PVR 2 comes with accessory cables and HDMI. This includes a USB cord long enough for various versions of Microsoft, including Vista 46 and 32 bits.

Hauppauge capture comes with an all-in-one recording, streaming, and editing option for your footage. With this, you have total control of all videos. In addition, you can edit the videos, add commentaries, stream and upload them on YouTube.

It also comes with a record button feature that supports recordings of tv programs from cables and Satellite TV. This includes options like scheduled video recording, skip backs, and allows DVD burning for video recordings.

The record button feature also allows you to record video in HD without lagging your PC. In addition, simultaneously recording and watching the footage is possible with the no-delay video pass-through.

Although the Blu-ray burner software is not part of the unit, you can download it, and there is no expertise needed for installation.

Some other important features include the following:

  • HD H.264 video encoder with 1080p30 resolution
  • Data Rate recording of 1 to 13.5 Mbits/sec
  • Recording formats of MP4 and AVCHD
  • HDMI input and WiiU
  • HDMI pass-through output


  • Product users love the fact that Hauppauge HD PVR 2 can be used for both game and TV program recording.
  • It is the perfect video capture card for gamers with a stringent budget.


  • A lot of users complain about the fact that it does not come with the Blu-ray burner software.

Smart Fish Finders

Smart fish finders are the way to go these days. They have changed how fishing is viewed, and many people are happy to pick it up as a hobby these days.

Most importantly, smart fish finders make fishing very easy for fishers and people who depend on these activities as a source of livelihood.

This article will see the improvement that smart fishfinder devices have brought to the fishing game in the last few years.

Traditional Fish Finders and How They Work?

Traditional fish finders usually use a curved-like feature and have rectangular imaging elements to help produce signals for imaging.

Their curve features are used to estimate the water frequency. The larger the frequency, the better the width and coverage area of the fish finder. However, a smaller frequency will help with better precision.

An example of a traditional fish finder is a 2D interpretation device. They are constantly beeping and giving details of what is happening in the water. Then the device produces output on a screen.

The latest details will show on the right side of the screen while the previous ones move to the left. When a fish swims closer to the frequency created, the fish finder will show an arch on the screen. The arc’s size will depend on the fish’s size and how close it is to the cone. A high or low frequency of the fish finder will also come into play here.

The disadvantage with traditional fish finders is that most of them tend to pick up water elements that come within range, like trees and bushes. However, some have narrow beam features to make sure that they only display realistic images.

Some traditional fish finders will also distinguish the fishes based on types and size. People that want to catch a specific fish type will get help with this type of finders.

What are Smart Fish Finders?

Smart fish finders are of 2 types today, namely: Portable and Castable fish Finders.

What are Portable Fish Finders?

Portable fish finders are specially designed tech devices that are more accurate and provide more details than conventional fish finders. They are perfect for fishers, small boat owners, and those who partake in fishing activities for recreation.

What are Castable Fish Finders?

Just as their name implies, you can cast these fish finders away from you. They are connectable with smartphones and wireless technologies, and when they go in search of fish, you can monitor them with your phone. Castable fish finders are the ideal option for pro and novice fishers that do not want to venture into the waters.

How do Portable and Castable Fish Finder Work?

These two types of devices work with the aid of a technology known as SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging). They depend on soundwaves and are designed to detect and relay the information to the user carefully. For portable fish finders, they use a transducer that acts as a sensor and a receiver that gathers the information.

Castable fish finders make use of a transducer and a receiver too. But in this case, your smartphone is the receiver because the fish finder will relay every information to its screen. The best way to make use of castable fish finders is by slowing their movement across a certain area of the water. To do this, you have to lurch the transducer gradually or leave it to move with a gentle water current.

Are Portable and Castable Fish Finders Ideal for Ice Fishing?

Yes, both fish finders work perfectly for ice fishing. To use them, dig a hole and put the transducer in it. The transducer will then give you all the important details you need to know, such as:

  • The water depth,
  • Presence of other fishes and
  • Presence of other water elements.

Assessing these details, you will conclude if the location you dug the hole is ideal for fishing. If the location is not ideal, then you have to go elsewhere and dig another hole. If you are an ice fisher, you might also need an ice flasher, especially with a castable fish finder. An ice flasher will help you save enough time while fishing.

Are Smart Fish Finders Better than Traditional Ones?

Yes, smart fish finders are better options than traditional ones. They offer versatility options, and their portable and compact features make them easy to move around. You can undergo fishing recreation in ponds for limited use and water that are not accessible to large boats with fish finders.

Castable fish finders even go the extra mile for those who love to fish for the sake of it. They are Bluetooth and wifi enabled and will only alert users when a fish is found. They usually come with a mobile app equipped with many features for seamless fishing operations.

Some Recommended of Smart Fish Finder Products

  • Gearbest’s Fish Finder Grip that comes with an Aluminum Alloy Tool is a portable and anti-lost fish finding device. It is just $15 and perfect for per time fishers and recreationalists.
  • Deeper store’s Deeper Castable and Portable fish finder manufactured for ice fishing and kayak boats are all-encompassing. It is 2 in 1, and a lot of users love it because it is rechargeable. Although quite expensive at $300, it is very cost-effective.
  • Gearbest’s Flytech V500 Castable fish finder comes with remote control. It has a travel speed of 5.4km/hr, which is one reason why product users love it. It costs $200.
  • ST06 Fish Finder from Gearbest is another Castable device you should try out. It is Bluetooth enabled and comes at a reasonable price of $80.18.

Bose Wave Music System IV Review

Music is all about
choice. You might want something rock sounding in the living room, more mellow
in the kitchen and the sweet sound of jazz or instrumentals in the bedroom.

Bose Wave SoundTouch Music System IV

But the problem is that not all music systems give you that choice. You get stuck with whatever setup comes with the system. You don’t want to waste time or deal with inconvenience of having multiple room set ups just to listen the music you want to hear where you want to hear it at.

You can buy a main
system for your living room, then hook it up to your other rooms. You won’t get
a lot of options for changing up the music, though from one room to the next.

Or, you can get a music system that puts you in charge, yet still gives you voice control convenience. The Bose Wave SoundTouch Music System IV is designed to work with Alexa so you get multiple options to get entertainment your way every time.

Alexa allows you to
control your choices effortlessly. You speak and the music follows.

And it’s not just streaming music that you’ll be able to get, either. Wherever there’s music, you can get it.

If you want to listen to
it from the Internet, you have that option. You can hear music from your
customized library, from the radio, and it’ll even play those CDs that you
still love and have held onto.

It also gives you the
ability to play music from Spotify, Amazon, Pandora, SiriusXM, Deezer,
IHeartRadio and more. You’ll be able to create preset music lists and set those
using the remote or through the app.

This will give you access to thousands of songs. The product is compatible with other Alexa devices. It uses a wireless connection and is compatible with Bluetooth, too. So you can play music using your phone or other gadget as well.

A great feature with
this system is that you can listen to the same music in every room in your
home. But you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Taking it a step above other
music systems, the Bose Wave gives you the ability to listen to different music
in multiple rooms.

So you can listen to country in the living room, rock-n-roll in the kitchen, instrumental in the dining room and kids’ songs in the playroom. It can deliver quality sound, thanks to the waveguide technology built into the system.

Your music will be a rich, crystal clear performance in any room. Because it has Alexa, you can use this as a hands-free way to change songs, turn up the volume, decide where you want the music played or not. You would just say something like, “Alexa, turn off the Kitchen” and the music in that room would shut off. Get the Bose Wave and give yourself the ability to hear the kind of music you want to listen to wherever you are in your home.

iDealBed 4i Review

As much as technology has
advanced through the years, one thing seems to have remained just about the
same: beds. Despite how often we use them, very few people have made any kinds
of significant changes to the beds we had decades ago.

However, the iDealBed changes that, providing a ton of features to make your sleeping and relaxation experiences far better than you thought they could be. One of the first things you’ll notice with this bed is that you can adjust the elevation of different parts of the bed.

You can raise your head and back or your legs, allowing you to prop yourself up on either side. This can help you get more comfortable if you want to sit up and use a laptop or watch TV, and it gives you a form of customization regarding how you sleep.

This bed can also adjust elevation in preset modes that help you in different ways. For example, if you have a tendency to snore, then you used to just have to deal with it or find weird positions to sleep in that wouldn’t contribute to your snoring.

However, with this bed, you can set it in a preset position that will help reduce your snoring, no matter what position you’re sleeping in. One absolutely great feature with this bed is the integrated massage option.

Usually, you have to go out to a masseuse or buy a separate expensive device, but with this bed, you can get a great massage lying down in the comfort of your own home. Not only does this help you relax, but it also helps improve circulation throughout your body.

There are also plenty of simple
convenience features. For example, there’s the night light built in under the
bed that lights up at the press of a button. If you need to use the restroom at
night, this helps you avoid running into things on your way back to bed.

If you frequently charge devices like your phone next to your bed, then you can use any of the four USB outlets that can be found on either side of the bed. You can operate all of these features with a nice wireless remote that you can keep on your nightstand, with all of the features clearly outlined and lit up so that you can use it at night if you need to.

While you might have accepted the state of your current bed for many years (or decades), it’s time to upgrade your sleep quality and start benefitting from the technological advances that have been made in this area!

ecobee 4 Smart Thermostat Review

Your home’s thermostat
is responsible for keeping your home warm or cool, except many thermostats
don’t do that. So they’re always clicking on just to click right back off a few
seconds later.

Then you have to go adjust it. The reason that your thermostat is clicking on and off is because it’s trying to find the right temperature for you, but can’t – because it can only go by what’s programmed or by you manually changing it.

The starting and stopping of your thermostat can be pretty inconvenient. When you throw in the fact that other family members are probably also adjusting the temperature, it can get pretty frustrating trying to get the thermostat to the point where the house stays at the right temperature.

To combat the inconvenience, you can buy a thermostat that allows you to insert several temperatures. But since you’re not a weatherman, you may or may not be able to balance your choices with the actual weather outside.

Or, you could get a smart thermostat that removes guesswork and does it for you. The ecobee-4 Smart Thermostat is designed with your comfort in mind. But more than saving you time and putting an end to temperature frustration, the device will also save energy, which will save you money.

You’ll notice that once you have the device, over time, you’ll save as much as 23% on your electric costs. The reason that this smart thermostat can eliminate the inconvenience as well as save you money is that you don’t have to keep trying to get the temperatures right.

The device has room sensors. All you have to do is setup the thermostat in whichever room you choose. It’ll then get to work making sure your home has the temperature you want in all of the rooms.

That’s because the
device has the ability to determine how many people are in a room. At the same
time, it can tell what the temperature is in that occupied room. When the
sensors relay this information back to the thermostat, it automatically goes
into the precise mode designed to keep you comfortable.

This sensor feature will work for the heating and cooling but it also works when no one is home. When you’re not there, the sensors will prevent the thermostat from wasting energy heating or cooling.

You can change the thermostat remotely using a smart device once you download the app. This app allows you to adjust the temperature even when you’re away from home. The gadget has Alexa built in, so you can use voice activation to alter the temperature. It has an easy installation format. It’s time to stop the inconvenience of being too hot or cold in your own home. Say goodbye to frustrating programming and get the smart thermostat that simplifies heating and cooling.

Insignia NS-24DF310NA19 Review

It sometimes seems like smart TVs
cost too much. The only ones that are commonly advertised are the massive,
super high-tech ones that cost a ton of money, and other than that, it feels
like you’re stuck with outdated televisions.

There didn’t really seem like a good middle point for people like college students and young adults who still want the newer tech, but without the massive, expensive displays. Luckily, the Insignia NS provides a good fit just for that.

Their 24 inch display is good enough for a bedroom or smaller apartment living room, but it’s not going to break the bank like a 50 inch display will. This also makes it easier to move around.

If you’re having to move between
dorms or apartments every so often, you don’t want to be trying to lug around a
giant TV. This TV is portable, while still providing a great display for you
and your friends.

What really puts this TV over the edge is the integration of smart technology. You can get plenty of smaller, flat screen TVs from years ago, but none quite like this. This TV integrates the use of Amazon’s Fire TV service, which grants you access to all your favorite streaming platforms and other commonly used services.

It requires you to have an account with those services, but it’s still much better than watching it on your phone. One of the best features of Fire TV is that it allows you to customize the channels that you see when you start it up.

These channels aren’t like traditional TV channels – they’re more akin to apps. There are major ones like Netflix and Hulu, but there are also more specialized ones like HBO and Showtime that you might need in order to see some of your favorite content.

You can use all kinds of other apps, as well. For example, you can use the YouTube app that comes preinstalled to watch your favorite free online content with your friends at the press of a button. You can also connect your account to services like Spotify or Pandora in order to listen to your favorite music and put on your playlists for things like parties, hangouts, or for when you’re just hanging out around the house. This TV is a great option for someone who doesn’t want to break the bank, but does want some great smart features they can enjoy, too.

Nest T3007ES Learning Thermostat 3rd Generation Review

One ongoing problem in
many homes has to do with the thermostat. You have to constantly turn the heat
or air up or down to find just the right temperatures that keep you

Many thermostats have programming, but you almost have to be a genius to figure that out. The constant back and forth change on a thermostat means that it’s draining energy and raising your electric bill.

The thermostat is what’s responsible for the majority of your electrical costs, which is why you want to make sure you get one that’s the best at saving you money. You could get a basic thermostat, but that wouldn’t really solve anything because you’d still have to manually change the temperature.

You could also have a
set and forget approach where you just choose a temperature and leave it alone
in order to save energy and money. But then you won’t be as comfortable.

Or, you can get a smart thermostat like the Google Nest T3007ES, which has auto-schedule. You won’t need to try to figure out complicated programming. The device takes care of that for you.

It’s so smart that it
pays attention to temperatures that you prefer and it’ll automatically program
them after about a week of use. But you’d still have the ability to set it for
more options.

Since it’s Wi-Fi
capable, you can raise or lower the temperature using your smart phone, laptop
or other electronic device. The thermostat will let you know when you’re at
optimal energy savings.

When the temperature you’ve selected shows a Nest Leaf icon, it means you’re saving energy and lowering the cost of your electric bill. The device has something called Early-On feature.

This allows the
thermostat to pay attention to your home temperature as well as the weather and
it’ll adjust accordingly to get your preferred temperature. Another feature it
has is the Home Away.

When you’re not home,
there’s no need to waste energy so the thermometer can automatically raise or
lower the setting to reflect your absence. The thermostat can work with Alexa
so you can use voice activation to change the temperature.

The device has something called Farsight. When it recognizes that you’re in the room, the screen will light up for you so that you can easily read the weather, the temperature and see the time.

The app that you can download will let you see a history of energy usage as well as the reason for that use. It has quick installation and easy to follow setup steps. When you get the Google Nest T3007ES, you’ll no longer have to deal with a house that’s too hot or too cold. You can stop letting your thermostat take money out of your pocket. You can save energy and stay comfortable at the same time!


Televisions are always improving, and companies are always
trying to get the edge on their competitors when it comes to making the best
technology. Today, you can get some pretty crazy features on your TV, ranging
from the software to the display hardware.

The new LG OLED55B8PUA Ultra HD Smart OLED TV is certainly no exception, with a wide array of improvements built into it to give you a fantastic television experience. One aspect of this TV that you’ll notice right off the bat is that it has Google Assistant preloaded into it, meaning that you’ll be able to have a hub for your smart devices right off the bat.

This also means that you’ll be able to control your TV through voice commands, without having to install some additional gadgets. Even if you’re not sure where your remote is, you can still turn it on and off, adjust the volume, change sources, and more with just your voice.

Physically, this TV is very impressive. It’s big in terms of screen size, but if you look at it from the side, it’s incredibly thin. With LG’s “ThinQ” technology, they’re able to construct a technically impressive TV without having it be bulky, meaning it’ll take up much less space than another TV would.

The display itself is also very impressive. One thing the display does very well is the use of OLED technology. This helps display black colors as more accurately black by lighting up each pixel individually.

Traditionally, an entire screen is backlit by one light,
meaning that if you have a black color on screen, it really appears as a sort
of dark grey, and even gives off light. With OLEDs, black pixels will turn off,
meaning that they’re the most genuine black colors you can get on a TV.

Things like that might not seem significant just thinking about it, but on a display, it makes a huge difference in terms of color quality and contrast levels. Another thing this display gets right is that it uses something called high dynamic range, or HDR. This means that images of dark or very bright environments will appear much more clearly, and won’t suffer from a lack of detail in the dark or overexposure in the bright scenes. This balances everything out for a much more cohesive image, and one that is definitely better to look at.