Tech 101

Need basic information on technology, electronics, and gadgets? Check out the latest tips and basic explanations on technology. Alternatively, you received the gadget you asked for, and it is time to make good use of your time with it. Check out our tips on gadgets you may have.

19 Cool Smart Technologies and Features for Your Next Car

If you’re like most people, you spend a lot of time in your car. You probably use it to commute to and from work, run errands, and go on road trips. So wouldn’t it be great if your vehicle could help make those experiences more enjoyable and productive? This blog post will discuss ten remarkable smart technologies for your car! Some of these smart technologies are designed to make your car more comfortable, while others…

Everything You Need to Know About Video Capture Cards

The top 6 video capture cards you can buy today include the following: Do you want to stream video footage but don’t know where to start? Do you need a better understanding of video capture cards before purchasing? If so, you’ve come to the right place! This blog post will discuss everything you need to know about video capture cards. We’ll go over what they are, how they work, and some of their benefits. By…

What is VoIP?

What is VOIP?

Voice Over Internet Protocol, also known as VoIP for short, simply means routing telephone conversations through a phone over a network cable and then out to the internet. It makes up for the use of traditional phone networks made up of copper wires, central offices, and telephone poles. VOIP makes the entire phone communication concept to be internet-based. So when you make a phone call, the conversation is being routed over the network. What is…

Wearable Technology

Wearable Technology

Wearable technology refers to products manufactured to enhance users’ experience while being worn for an extended time. These products’ goal is to interact with the user’s body when needed but remain unnoticeable when not in use. In the past few years, wearable tech products have seen significant growth in the textile industry. Users fancy them for a lot of reasons, but the most important is their health benefits. Other reasons for acceptance of these products…

The Convenience of a Mini Projector

The Convenience of a Mini Projector

There are a lot of different projectors on the market these days. Some are big and bulky, while others are small and compact. If you’re looking for something that is both convenient and easy to use, you should consider investing in a mini projector. Mini projector, portable projector, or travel projectors are all interchangeable terms that describe one of the best gadgets you can purchase. These projectors are perfect for business presentations, home movies, and…

Virtual Reality Headsets

Virtual Reality Headsets

Virtual reality is one form of extended reality in its most immersive form. In the virtual realm, you are almost creating a digital twin of a real-world. Basically, the world is entering a completely digital environment; this means you need VR headsets or something like oculus rift glasses. These straps-ons give a complete immersion to the virtual world. They usually have some controllers to move to anywhere in the virtual realm. VR headsets work in…

Gaming Mouse

Gaming Mouse, Everything You Need to Know

One of the easiest ways to improve your gameplay is to get a gaming mouse. More specifically, you might never reach your full potential if you play FPS games without a decent sensor. There are various qualities of gaming mice. If your mouse sensor is not reading all your movements, it is just as good as a regular mouse. You could have the best aim globally and still be losing fights to someone with a…

Camping With Teck Perks

Camping with Tech Perks

Many tech products will give you a great camping experience when you are out in the woods. They are designed to make you take charge of some rather difficult camping situations so that you can enjoy your getaway. Four of these products and how they can come in handy during camping include the following: Mosquito Killer Lamp It would be best if you planned to repel mosquitoes before camping. Mosquitoes make camping less fun, especially…

What is a Video Capture Card?

As the name implies, a video capture card allows you to capture screen recordings when synched with devices like game consoles, computers, and cameras. It converts the footage into a digitalized form where you can playback, live stream, and upload online. Gamers mainly use video capture cards because the more quality a gameplay stream is, the more recognition they get amongst rivals. Video capture also guarantees lag-free streaming and increases audience or YouTube subscribers. Depending…